Always read description of service.if there is no description please contact us for information. If you dont have proper knoweldge dont make orders.ALways ask for assistance.Descriptions may not be accurate all the time. Time to time it changes.Please make sure not to change the accounts associated with the link placed from public to private as your order is already running in background. No refunds or cancellations will be given for such scenarios.
Refill works depends on start count to end count.eventhough there are conditions.Time of refill varies according to time.minimum time to start refill is 1 min maximum time can take upto 24-72 hrs. dont ask refills for big base eg: if you have 200k followers in your account and you order 2000 followers then you wont get any refill.It must have old drop. you need atleast 10-20% you should order like 100k followers account min 10k should be there to get refill.the rule is same for all services
If you want to cancel one order you can click cancel button in most of the service there is no cancel button so better ask for cancellation.if you are ordering from another panel for same link without getting confirmation from support team then you wont get any before you make any move please let us know first.cancellation may take time sometimes. 6-24hr may takes.even if you order for refill server from us, as its not possible to understand from where you lost the followers/likes/views.
Sure you will get refund for wrong links. time for cancellation depends on service you asking. Dont place for another before getting our confirmation. for some service it may take long time.Any how your funds are safe for wrong links.Arguments like after placing order from here and saying i recieved service from other panels such thing we not accept here
No, don't order the same link for many services or panels at once. Your orders are processed using software that simulates activity. This software checks the starting count and monitors social media public APIs to see when the desired count is reached. Once the target count is reached, the software stops and marks the order as complete. It's best not to order multiple links simultaneously because we can't offer refunds in such situations.
Read and get consultation before ordering. we are not forcing you to use this system always try first with small amount of money then use it for good.your funds and informations are 100% safe here. You dont need to worry about anything related to orders . Also for our elite client all helps are completely free.